- Winner of the CNRS/ANVIE Prize for the scientific research valorization (Malek Boualem & Stéphane Harié), 1996.
- Co-author of the MtScript multilingual text editor (Malek Boualem & Stéphane Harié) downloadable at : https://web.archive.org/web/20070703192558/http:/aune.lpl.univ-aix.fr/projects/multext/MtScript/
- Speech in the French National Assembly (see page 15, Malek Boualem) about new information and communication technologies in the framework of the Mediterranean Union Project, October 2008.
- More than 70 scientific publications in international journals and conferences.
- Member of the Director Board of ATALA (2003-2009).
- Member of many scientific committees for national and international conferences and journals.
- Expert evaluator for many scientific projects submitted to French, European and Canadian research and funding programs.
- Senior research expert in natural language processing, machine translation (rule-based MT), cross-language information retrieval (CLIR), Arabic language processing, multilingual text editing & processing and internationalization and localization of NLP tools.
- Senior research expert in the France Telecom Orange Labs research center.
- Project manager of many research projects in the France Telecom Orange Labs research center.
- Supervision of theses, postdoctoral positions and engineer trainings at France Telecom Orange Labs.
- Member of several thesis juries in computer sciences in France and Algeria.
- Teaching at university and high schcools for 12 years (1988 to 2000) : computer science, mathematics, statistics, information systems, databases, natural language processing, machine translation, etc.
- Engineer degree in computer science, Setif University, Algeria, 1986.
- Master degree (DEA) in computer science, Nice University, France, 1987.
- PhD degree in computer science (machine translation) prepared at INRIA Sophia Antipolis and defended in Nice University, France, 1993.